the Date of Incorporation of IGM Tooling LIMITED
The date of Incorporation of IGM Tooling LIMITED is on 2017/8/1.
Our company was first founded in SHENZHEN, China.
Below pictures are shown the main Founder for IGM Tooling LIMITED.
Mr. Liu, He has been working on Injection mold processing since 1999.
He has more than 20 years of processing and management experience in many large mold factories.
Now his position is Deputy General Manager and the Manufacture Director.
Mr. Li, He has been in the Plastic Injection mold Industry since 2004.
Mr. Li has 5 years of work experience in Injection mold Maufacture, he has 20 years of work experience in Injection Tool/Mold Design and 10 years of work experience in Project Management.
Now his position is Founder & Principal.
IGM Tooling LIMITED was established in 2017 and then we recruited many experienced Workers from many well-know companies (they are good at make all kinds of Automotive plastic mold, especially for large molds, such as Car Bumpers, Grille, Air Induct, Instrument Panel, Door Panels, Central control, A Pillars, B Pillars, Headliner).
Under the leadership of Liu and Li, IGM Tooling LIMITED has developed rapidly. At the end of 2019 (before the outbreak of the COVID-19), our company has nearly 40 professional mold-making personnel and 10 professional designers & 5 Project Engineers.